Bereshit/Genesis Chapter 1 – The Setup


First posted FEBRUARY 9, 2018

Shalom and welcome to Team D Bible Study! Whether you are part of our weekly group or doing it at your own pace and time, we want to enable you by giving you the tools to go deeper into your study and relationship with the Holy Creator from a Hebrew perspective. We understand that many of you come from deferring backgrounds. Not to worry, we are here to learn as a team. The foundation of our faith starts “in the beginning” (Bereshit /Genesis). Our prayer is that you would be blessed with your studies.

If you have questions about this study, please click here to email us

Daniel & Davene (AKA Team D)

Web Resources

Here are some web resources that you would find valuable in your studies.

Torah Class is a Messianic Judaism source to get “an immersion into the history, culture and language of the Bible. (Tom Bradford)”: Torah Classes of Tom Bradford

eSword is a PC based electronic bible repository: eSword download page

Links from the presentation

Bereshit/Genesis Chapter 1 – The Setup presentation

Hebrew alphabet: Click here to get some insights into the Hebrew alphabet

About Torah: Click here to get some insights into the meaning of Torah

Nomos: Click here to learn more about the Greek word for Torah

Seed: The biblical meanings of seed

Create: The meaning of the word create

You can click these links to learn more about Elohim and El mentioned in the presentation

Strong’s Numbers

Strong’s numbers are a valuable source for learning Hebrew words. Strong’s numbers are provided in the presentation to make it easier to look up Hebrew key words mentioned through Google or other search. This is an example of a search term in Google: “hebrew strong number 0000”

Study Illustrations

Illustrations from Bereshit/Genesis 1 can be viewed here: Study Illustrations Bereshit/Genesis 1

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