Bereshit/Genesis Chapter 12 & 13 – Come Out and be like Abram


First posted JUNE 14, 2018

Abram is called out of his father’s house:

1And the Lord said to Abram, Go forth out of thy land and out of thy kindred, and out of the house of thy father, and come into the land which I will shew thee.
(Gen 12:1 Brenton)

Though the commentary in the study may suggest Terah would have been dead, both the Masoretic and Septuagint timelines show that Abram departed long before his father went the way of his ancestors at the age of 75. Abram moved into an unknown land not knowing anything and putting his trust in the Holy Elohim he is beginning to learn to trust. He departs with his wife Sarai and his nephew Lot and all their possessions they accumulated. Lot would have inherited the possession and birthright from his father Haran, and thought it best to stick with his uncle. They entered the land and moved around a bit; eventually settling in Egypt because of famine. It was a mixed bag in Egypt as Abram, Sarai and the Pharao had a meeting of the minds, so to speak. They returned to the promised land with substance, and soon afterwards Abram and Lot came to an understanding about manhood through the realization of needing their own space to grow.

If you have questions about this study, please click here to email us

Daniel & Davene (AKA Team D)

Links from the presentation

Bereshit/Genesis Chapter 12 & 13 – Come Out and be like Abram PDF

Supporting News Items

Face adulthood and be a man: 30-Year-Old Man Evicted From His Parents’ Home Debates If He’s a Millennial in Awkward Interview

Abram in the Land

Abram’s father Terah: The Man Who Might Have Been (Gen 11:26-32)

Abram’s Delay: Genesis 11:32 – Why Abram Delayed In Haran

Abram’s Move: Abraham: From Ur to Haran

The Elohim of Abram: The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob

Abram called upon Elohim by His Name: To Call on/upon the Name of the Lord

Abram’s Maturity: The Life of Abraham: Abram and Lot Separate

Strong’s Hebrew Numbers

Strong’s Hebrew number for Sychem/Shekhem: 7927

Strong’s Hebrew number for Terebinth/High Oak/Great Tree: 0436

Strong’s Hebrew number for Bet-el/Baethel: 1008

Strong’s Hebrew number for ῾Ay/Aggai: 5857

Strong’s Hebrew number for Wilderness/Negev: 5045

Strong’s Hebrew number for Saray/Sara: 8297

Strong’s Hebrew number for Par῾o/Pharao: 6547

Strong’s Hebrew number for Jordan/Yarden: 3383

Strong’s Hebrew number for Sedom/Sodom: 5467

Strong’s Hebrew number for Gomorrah/῾Amora: 6017

Strong’s Hebrew number for Zogora/Żo῾ar: 6820

Strong’s Hebrew number for ‘For/Ad”: 5769

Strong’s Hebrew number for Olam/Eternal: 5704

Strong’s Hebrew number for Ĥevron/Hebron/: 2275

Time Line Images

The time line images used in this study references the departure of Abram from his father’s house. Please take time to look them over in your studies as they are revisited in Chapter 14. Click her to view them in the gallery.

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