Bereshit/Genesis Chapter 14 – Part 2b: The Anointed One


First posted AUGUST 22, 2018

Sin is a destructive element that humanity has to cope with. Just looking around there is no shortage of issues that burdens the soul and makes us cry out. The epistle of John states:

4Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.
1 John 3:4

Committing sin is an inevitable aspect of life, and regardless of the  transgression being major or minor, must be managed. Thus, the Melchisedec acting as our advocate before our Holy Elohim is important for this dispensation. When the Aaronic priests were on duty, Israel had the mechanisms in place to obtain redress for sin. With Israel now scattered and split into the Northern and Southern Kingdom, and the Aaronic priesthood and Levites missing in action, the institution of the Melchisedec is so important. The Anointed One (Yeshua/Jesus) is on duty interceding on our behalf before YHWH Elohim as we seek forgiveness and remission of sin. In order for him to become priest we need to understand the mechanisms that are in place for his appointment to occur. This appointment begins with pivotal moments in life from his birth all the way to his life being offered for the sins of the nation.  Thanks for being part of this study and partnering with us.

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Daniel & Davene (AKA Team D)

Links from the presentation

Bereshit/Genesis Chapter 14 – Part 2b: A person of Mystery PDF – The Anointed One

Supporting News Items

A fellowship in turmoil: Catholic priest placed on leave, and Pope accepts US cardinal’s resignation.

Into Service

To be in service at the Tabernacle and Temple, a Levite had to be a minimum age to serve as Priest and other the other functions given to the House of Levi. Between the Masoretic and Septuagint there are some contradictions regarding the age of service.

The right Genealogy

In order for Yeshua (The Anointed One) to be considered for Melchisedec he must be of the tribe of Judah. Also, he had to follow the ordination rules set out in Leviticus. Yochanan the Immerser (John the Baptist), was part of this process. The linked video below, from Kingdom Preppers, is insightful about the offices of the birthright concerning the kingship and priesthood.

Who is the Melchisedec

There are many opinion about the person of the Melchisedec. One endearing opinion is about the Melchisedec being a theophany.

The Elohim of Abraham

There are many titles to the Elohim of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Israel. One of those titles used by Abraham and the Melchisedec was Elyon. Unfortunately, in the near east these titles are also applied to pagan gods and the king of Sodom would have been familiar with the application to his Canaanite gods.

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