Bereshit/Genesis Chapter 15 – Promises made to Abram Part 1


First posted SEPTEMBER 22, 2018

A promise is a comfort to a fool, but those who trust in Yah their strength is renewed like the eagle. They can count on Him keeping His promises as He is not like a man to lie. Abram fully assumed his loyal chief and trusted servant,who was like a son to him, (Eli’ezer/Eliezer of Damascus), would inherit his dynasty. However, YHWH Elohim told Abram that a seed would originate from his loins through his wife Sara and they would be numerous as the stars of heaven. Abram, upon instruction, then got five animals to sacrifice to establish a covenant between himself and his Elohim.

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Daniel & Davene (AKA Team D)

Links from the presentation

Bereshit/Genesis Chapter 15 – Part 1: Promises made to Abram

Supporting News Items

In the previous US election cycle, the construction of a wall between the US/Mexico border was a major talking point of then presidential candidate Donald Trump. There is numerous news articles that document his promise, in this regard, to the US electorate. Hopefully this promise might be kept.

Latin Letters

The Latin alphabet and language has influences both social and religious society. Highlighting this influence is important to understanding how doctrine and belief narrative is shaped.

The Word of YHWH

When The Word of YHWH came to Abram, at that moment he was living in the land for some time. People are of the view that Yah has to answer us immediately. He does speak, through His written word, many want to hear his audible voice.

Believing YHWH

Abram believed The Word of YHWH Elohim and it was counted to him for righteousness. He put his trust in Elohim in action and he was rewarded for it.

Strong Hebrew numbers referenced in the presentation

Strong’s Hebrew number for Elohim is Help: 0461.

Strong’s Hebrew number for To Support: 0539.

Strong’s Hebrew number for Faith of a Covenant: 0548.

Strong’s Hebrew number for Speech/Words: 1697.

Strong’s Hebrew number for Damascus: 1834.

Strong’s Hebrew number for Deep Sleep: 8639.

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