Bereshit/Genesis Chapter 17 – My Covenant Part b


First posted OCTOBER 28, 2018

Abraham’s wife also got a name change and Sarah’s, status got elevated. This name change also suggests that both Abraham and Sarah position before YHWH Elohim is renewed with each other, sort of a second marriage. Abraham again tries to petition for another soul in his tent, his son with Hagar, to be his heir. But YHWH Elohim assured him that Sarah his wife would bear a son and his name is to be called Isaac because of Abraham’s laughter. After the reassurances of YHWH Elohim, Abraham proceeded to circumcise himself and every man in his tent.

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Daniel & Davene (AKA Team D)

Links from the presentation

Bereshit/Genesis Chapter 17 – My Covenant part 2

Supporting News Items

When the Law catches up it may put you at odds with the systems of world. A man was recently charged with preforming a procedure he was not authorized to do: Circumcision and the law of the land.

Everlasting Covenant

The agreement between <strong and Abraham is for a long time.

Strong Hebrew numbers referenced in the presentation

Strong’s Hebrew number for Rab/Great/Rabbi root: 7229

Strong’s Hebrew number for Isaac: 3327

Strong’s Hebrew number for Saray: 8297

Strong’s Hebrew number for Sarrha: 8283

Strong’s Hebrew number for Forever/Everlasting: 5769

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