About Team D

About Team D Scripture Study

What the Team D Scripture Study is NOT About

We are NOT:

  • A Pastor, Prophet, Rabbi, Reverend, Father, Priest, Apostle etc.
  • Debating or arguing the bible or doctrines
  • Here to tell you what to believe or why to believe
  • Here to change your faith or to take away your grace through your faith in Anointed One (Yeshua/Jesus)
  • Here to establish another religion or denomination
  • Here to belittle or shame anyone

What the Team D Scripture Study is About


  • Want to understand our Holy Creator, His word and His Anointed One
  • Want to give different perspectives, insights & provoke thought
  • Want you to be comfortable asking questions in regards to your faith
  • Want this to be a safe setting to approach difficult narratives found in the canon of scripture
  • Want this to be both a time of study, worship and fellowship
  • Want to see you understand and apply what you are learning into your daily life