Bereshit/Genesis Chapter 10 – The Nations Divide


First posted MAY 8, 2018

Shalom and welcome to Team D Bible Study! Are the Nations and Gentiles one in the same or distinct from each other? If they are distinct, how should people view themselves in light of these tribal classifications? In this Bible study, the ‘Table of Nations’ is discussed as the generations of Shem, Ham and Japheth are detailed in Bereshit/Genesis 10. The defendants forming the nations of each of Noah’s sons play a pivotal role in shaping the region now geopolitically called ‘The Middle East’. The variations between the Masoretic and Septuagint is apparent in this chapter as one text highlights offspring not mentioned in the other.

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Daniel & Davene (AKA Team D)

Links from the presentation

Bereshit/Genesis Chapter 10 – The Nations Divide

Supporting News Items

Rebuilding the Ruins of History; Saddam’s ‘Disney for a despot’: How dictators exploit ruins

Historical Archaeological Periods

Bereshit/Genesis 10 corresponds the Bronze Age: Early, Middle & Late.

Archaeological Ages info: Periods of other lands.

Geopolitical Classifications

The lands associated with the ‘Table of Nations’ is called The Middle East.


The topic of gentile(s) is one that should feature prominently in bible teachings. Opinions would differ on who a gentile is. First begin with understanding how gentiles are viewed: Wikipedia Gentile, Got Questions Gentile & Prophetic Gentiles.

Japheth Generations

Commentary on Japhet & Shem: Birthright

The first generation of Japheth (Yefet), and second generation of Noe (Noah)

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Gomer/(S)Gamer: 1586

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Magog/(S)Magog: 4031

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Maday/(S)Madoi: 4074

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Yavan/(S)Jovan: 3120

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Absent?/(S)Elisa: 0473

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Tuval/(S)Thobel: 8422

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Meshekh/(S)Mosoch: 4902

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Tiras/(S)Thiras: 8494

The second generation of Japheth through his son Gamer (Gomer)

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Ashkenaz/(S)Aschanaz: 0813

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Rifat/(S)Riphath: 7384

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Togarma/(S)Thorgama: 8425

The second generation of Japheth through his son Jovan (Yavan)

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Elisha/(S)Elisa: 0473

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Tarshish/(S)Tharseis: 8659

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Kittim/(S)Cetians: 3794

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Dodanim/(S)Rhodians: 1721

Cham Generations

The name Egypt is derived from a Greek linguistic phonetic. The dating of events in the bible is based on the Egyptian chronology of their Pharaohs. The New Chronology as proposed by Prof. David Rohl and others is adding validity to the narratives of the scriptures. Prof. Rohl narrated a documentary “Have We Found the Garden of Eden?” published in 2007:

The first generation of Cham (Ham), and second generation of Noe (Noah)

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Kush/(S)Chus: 3568

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Mizrayim/(S)Mesrain: 4714

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Put/(S)Phud: 6316

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Kena’an/(S)Chanaan: 3667

The second generation of Cham through his son Chus (Kush)

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Seva/(S)Saba: 5434

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Havila/(S)Evila: 2341

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Savta/(S)Sabatha: 5454

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Ra’ma/(S)Rhegma: 7484

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Savtekha/(S)Sabathaca: 5455

The third generation of Cham through his son Chus (Kush), through his son Rhegma (Ra’ma)

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Sheva/(S)Saba: 7614

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Dedan/(S)Dadan: 1719

The second generation of Cham through his son Mesrain (Mizrayim)

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Ludim/(S)Ludiim: 3866

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)‘Anamim/(S)Nephthalim: 6047

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Lehavim/(S)Enemetiim: 3853

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Naftuhim/(S)Labiim: 5320

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Patrusim/(S)Patrosoniim: 6625

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Kasluhim/(S)Chasmoniim: 3695

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Kaftorim/(S)Gaphthoriim: 3732

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Pelishtim/(S)Phylistiim: 6430

The second generation of Cham through his son Chanaan (Kena’an)

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Zidon/(S)Sidon: 6721

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Het/(S)Chettite: 2845

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Yevusi/(S)Jebusite: 2983

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Emori/(S)Amorite: 0567

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Girgashi/(S)Girgashite: 1622

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Hivvi/(S)Evite: 2340

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)‘Arqi/(S)Arukite: 6208

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Sini/(S)Asennite: 5513

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Arvadi/(S)Aradian: 0721

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Ziemari/(S)Samarean: 6786

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Hamati/(S)Amathite: 2577

Shem Generations

Bible Believers: The Lineage of Shem.

The first generation of Sem (Shem), and second generation of Noe (Noah)

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)’Elam/(S)Elam: 5867

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Ashshur/(S)Assur: 0804

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Arpakhshad/(S)Arphaxad: 0775

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Lud/(S)Lud: 3865

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Aram/(S)Aram: 0758

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Absent?/(S)Cainan: 7974

The second generation of Sem through his son Aram

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Uz/(S)Uz: 5780

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Hul/(S)Ul: 2343

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Geter/(S)Gater: 1666

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Mash/(S)Mosoch: 4851

The second generation of Sem through his son Arphaxad (Arpakhshad)

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Absent?/(S)Cainan: 7974

The third generation of Sem (second gen. in Masoretic) through his son Cainan (Shelach)

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Shelah/(S)Sala: 7974

The forth generation of Sem (third gen. in Masoretic) through his son Sala (Shelah)

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)’Ever/(S)Heber: 5677

The fifth generation of Sem (forth gen. in Masoretic) through his son Heber (‘Ever)

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Peleg/(S)Phaleg: 6389

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Yoqtan/(S)Jektan: 3355

The sixth generation of Sem (fifth gen. in Masoretic) through his son Jektan (Yoqtan)

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Almodad/(S)Elmodad: 0486

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Shelef/(S)Saleth: 8026

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Hazarmavet/(S)Sarmoth: 2700

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Yerah/(S)Jarach: 3392

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Hadoram/(S)Odorrha: 1913

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Uzal/(S)Aibel: 0187

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Diqla/(S)Decla: 1853

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)’Oval/(S)Eval: 5745

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Avima’el/(S)Abimael: 0039

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Sheva/(S)Saba: 7614

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Ofir/(S)Uphir: 0221

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Havila/(S)Evila: 2341

Strong’s Hebrew number for (M)Yovav/(S)Jobab: 3103

Genealogy Illustrations for Bereshit/Genesis 10

The illustrated genealogy of Shem, Ham and Japheth. Click here to be redirected to the gallery images.

The featured image for this study posting is from British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC).

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