Bereshit/Genesis Chapter 11 – Part 1: Welcome to Babylon Folks


First posted MAY 16, 2018

Shalom and welcome to Team D Bible Study! One of the comments after this presentation is that this study should have been split in two. Given the nature and complexity of this topic, it should have been divided into two parts, making Genesis 11 a three-part study. Hopefully, the content discussed is used to encourage you to dig deeper,provoke thought and to diligently search the scriptures. This presentation connected the Tower of Bavel with Nimrod and ‘a Assur’ from Bereshit/Genesis 10. The analogy was made about the narrative related to Assur as a Sweet Fruit versus a Sour Fruit which are both pretty to the eyes. The ‘sour fruit‘ approach was taken for the ‘anti-christ‘ doctrine perception in the scriptures. Also, please keep in mind we are giving information to assist with your reassessing the entirety of scripture and it’s intended purpose in your life.

If you have questions about this study, please click here to email us

Daniel & Davene (AKA Team D)

Links from the presentation

Bereshit/Genesis Chapter 11 part 1 – Welcome to Babylon Folks:

Supporting News Items

Artifacts of historical signifiance; Those ancient artifacts that were illegally smuggled to Hobby Lobby are headed home to Iraq

Strong’s Hebrew Numbers

Strong’s Hebrew number for Echad/One: 0259

Strong’s Hebrew number for Lip, Language, Speech/Saphah: 8193

Strong’s Hebrew number for Speech, Word, Speaking, Thing/Debarim: 1697

Strong’s Hebrew number for Shin’ar/Senaar/Country of two rivers: 8152

Strong’s Hebrew number for Babel/Bavel/Babylon/“Confusion (by mixing)”: 0894

Strong’s Hebrew number for Erech/Orech/Long: 0751

Strong’s Hebrew number for Akkad/Archad/Subtle: 0390

Strong’s Hebrew number for Kalneh/Chalanne/Fortress of Anu: 3641

Strong’s Hebrew number for Nineveh/Abode of Ninus: 5210

Strong’s Hebrew number for Rechobot/Wide places or streets: 7344

Strong’s Hebrew number for Celach/Vigour: 3625

Strong’s Hebrew number for Resen/Bridle: 7449

Links referenced in the presentation

Bereshit/Genesis 11: 1-9 reference commentary

Bible Hub resource: Gill’s Commentary on the scattering of the tribes

Let us make us a Name/Shem: Midland SDA Church, Abiding Fruit, Rebe Yehoshua.

Timely Intervention

How Elohim responds: Personal intervention, Encounters, The plains of Shinar.

The Trinity and One

Of the many doctrines abounding in the faith community, the understanding of the Trinity is a divisive narrative. The trinity doctrine is not a new concept. Of the many eastern philosophies this is a central theme. The god Anu forms part of a trinity. It is believed that Marcion introduced this concept, along with a few others, into the early believing community.

The Rebellious One

He is known by many names and his renown stretched over many generations: Wikipedia: Nimrod, Britannica:- Nimrod, Britannica:- Ninus, Amazing Bible Timeline:- Nimrod and Ninus, Nimrod:- His Death, Nimrod:- The Kingdom’s fall. The links presented is highlight the volumes of information about Nimrod. This is an extensive topic which a person should take the time to gain understanding and relate to upcoming end time events.

Nimrod’s wife: Semiramis

A Step

Ashur: The Mesopotamian deity, Gog prince of Magog and The Hunter.

Books referenced in the presentation

Dr. Michael Lake, The Shinar Directive: Preparing the way for the son of perdition and Dr. Michael S. Heiser, The Bible Unfiltered: Approaching Scriptures on its own Terms.

Supporting Videos

In the presentation references was made to Babylonian religion, Zechariah possibly talking about nuclear warheads and genetically modified soldiers. Videos relating to these references are below:

Babylonian religion influence

Zechariah’s flying scrolls

Genetic Soldiers in Syria

The featured image for this study posting is from History on the Net.

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