Bereshit/Genesis Chapter 11 – Part 2: The House of Sem


First posted JUNE 6, 2018

The House of Shem revealed some surprises that were unexpected. The Masoretic and Septuagint (LXX) are manuscripts that narrate the story of the peoples as it’s focus narrows to Shem’s lineage. The gospel of Luke has solved the mystery of one of Shem’s missing child as per the Masoretic. This is very significant for NT believers as his testimony gives validity to the nuance of the LXX. This discovery should lead us to ask many questions about the canon of scripture that we rely upon for guidance. Additionally, we begin to see the early formation of the household of Abraham and the relations of the family of Terah who tried moving his family to the land of promise after the death of his son Haran. He did not make it all the way to the promised land but stopped short of the goal. This leaves opportunity for his son Abram to be obedient to the call of Elohim in his life. We had a minor technical issue with recording this week. The section with Peleg has an audio/video gap. Not to worry, the support video on the website about Peleg, ‘Pangea, Peleg & Biblical Flat Earth…’, discuss this in more detail. Thanks for understanding. Please like, share, comment and thanks for your continued support.

If you have questions about this study, please click here to email us

Daniel & Davene (AKA Team D)

Links from the presentation

Bereshit/Genesis Chapter 11 part 2 – The House of Sem PDF

Supporting News Items

Breathe freely: Seven ways to deal with hay fever

Splitting apart: An Enormous Crack Just Opened Up In Africa, Evidence Africa Is Literally Splitting In Two

What matters about the Generations of Shem

Wikipedia about: Arpachshad

Wikipedia about: Salah

Heber: What does it mean to be Hebrew

Division: What Happened and Making Sense of it

Friendship: A Ra’ah of Elohim

Wiki about Serug from: Bible Wikia, Wikipedia and Biblicalcyclopedia

Haran: Death of a Son

Haran’s Daughter: Milcah

Abram’s Brother: Nahor

Strong’s Hebrew Numbers

Strong’s Hebrew number for Arpakhshad/Arphaxad: 0775

Strong’s Hebrew number for Shelaĥ/Sala: 7974

Strong’s Hebrew number for ‘Ever/Heber: 5677

Strong’s Hebrew number for Peleg/Phaleg: 6389

Strong’s Hebrew number for Re’u/Ragau: 7466

Strong’s Hebrew number for Serug/Seruch: 8286

Strong’s Hebrew number for Nahor/Nachor: 5152

Strong’s Hebrew number for Terah/Tharrha: 8646

Strong’s Hebrew number for Avram/Abram: 0087

Strong’s Hebrew number for Haran/Arrhan: 2039

Strong’s Hebrew number for Lot: 3876

Strong’s Hebrew number for Milka/Malcha: 4435

Strong’s Hebrew number for Yiska/Jescha: 3252

The Division of the Earth

This video presentation is based on the study section on Peleg by JOHN D. MORRIS, PH.D

Team D Study Image of Shem’s Genealogy

Shem's Genealogy

The lineage from Shem to Terah. This is the precursor to Israel as a nation.

The featured image for this study posting is from The Guardian.

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