Bereshit/Genesis Chapter 14 – Part 1: Blood ticker dan water


When you have a family member in the middle of a pickle, what are the options to consider? For Abram it was a “no brainer” as he gathered a small fighting squad and mounted a rescue mission to save his nephew Lot. Lot found himself in the middle of a squabble as nine kings squared off over the non payment of tribute. Before the four kings from the east encountered the five kings from the valley, they matched their wits against Giants/Nephilim in the land and made easy work of them. But, Abram was the victor going up against these four kings from the east and prevailed with the help of Yah, his Elohim. Moreover, he sustained no losses and recovered his nephew Lot as well as the possession taken from him.

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Daniel & Davene (AKA Team D)

Links from the presentation

Bereshit/Genesis Chapter 14 part 1 – Abram to the rescue. Blood ticker dan water PDF

Supporting News Items

The trafficking of people: Isis kidnapping refugee women, forcing them to convert and selling them as sex slaves in Libya

The Kings in array

Faction (A) Kings Amrafel/Amarphal and Tid῾al/Thargal

The Kings in Battle: Genesis 14: War with the Eastern Kings

W.A.R. (We Are Right) in the Valley: Valley of Siddim

The Rescue

Uncle to the rescue: Abram Father Faith Victory

Paying Tribute

The Division of the Middle East Sykes-Picot

Strong’s Hebrew Numbers

Faction (A)

Strong’s Hebrew number for Amrafel/Amarphal: 0569

Strong’s Hebrew number for Aryokh/Arioch: 0746

Strong’s Hebrew number for Kedorla῾omer/Chodollogomor: 3540

Strong’s Hebrew number for Tid῾al/Thargal: 8413

Faction (B)

Strong’s Hebrew number for Bera/Balla: 1298

Strong’s Hebrew number for Birsha/Barsa: 1306

Strong’s Hebrew number for Shin᾽av/Sennaar: 8134

Strong’s Hebrew number for Shem᾽ever/Symobor: 8038

Other Numbers from the presentation

Strong’s Hebrew number for Mamre: 4471

Strong’s Hebrew number for Eshkol/Eshcol: 0812

Strong’s Hebrew number for ῾Aner/Aunan: 6063

Strong’s Hebrew number for Emori/Amorite 0567

Strong’s Hebrew number for Bela/Balac: 1106

Support Videos

The Law Giver

The above video is about Hammurabi who is believed to be be Amarphal. The information provided in this video presentation is to help with understanding of the time period and building yur information library. Keep in mind History is the opinion of those who wrote it and can be skewed baded on their bias.

The Hittites

The above video is about The Hittites with a possible connection to Tidal. The information provided in this video presentation is to help with understanding of the time period and building yur information library. Keep in mind History is the opinion of those who wrote it and can be skewed baded on their bias.

Alternative Middle East News Sources

The Hashemites Kingdom of Jordan: Jordan Times

Iranian Islamic Republic: Press TV

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