Bereshit/Genesis Chapter 16 – Wait on YHWH: be of good courage


First posted OCTOBER 3, 2018

What can be going through Abram’s mind after living in the land for some time and having no child of his own? Lot and Eliezer were not up for consideration and his wife Sara is old just like him. Knowing that she is past childbirth, Sara suggests to her husband to procreate with her handmaid Hagar to produce children. Hagar conceived, and the situation quickly devolved into an unwelcomed conflict, with Sara, which caused Hagar to flee the tent of Abram. But that was not the end of the situation as Hagar had a visitation to talk about.

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Daniel & Davene (AKA Team D)

Links from the presentation

Bereshit/Genesis Chapter 16 – Wait on YHWH: be of good courage

Supporting News Items

Conflict within material relationship would happen. Some marriages can endure conflict while others end in bitter confrontation.


In the ancient world childbirth was as important as the air that was breathed.


The manifestations of ‘so called’ divine being to men is explained as Theophany. Most biblical commentators would hold this doctrine in Genesis 16 as the Angel of YHWH met with Hagar.

Unchanging YHWH

YHWH Elohim does not change and need not transform Himself to execute His will.

Strong Hebrew numbers referenced in the presentation

Strong’s Hebrew number for Angel/Malach: 4397

Strong’s Hebrew number for Hagar: 1904

Strong’s Hebrew number for Ishmael/Yishma᾽el: 3458

Strong’s Hebrew number for Wild Ass: 6501

Strong’s Hebrew number for El: 0410

Strong’s Hebrew number for See: 7210

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