Bereshit/Genesis Chapter 17 – My Covenant Part a


First posted OCTOBER 28, 2018

Abram, at this moment, is still without a son through his wife, Sara. They have been living in the land for some time and weathered the instability in their tent with Hagar and her son. YHWH Elohim appeared to Abram and made some requests of him, “be well-pleasing before me, and be blameless.” This request is connected to the covenant (which belongs to YHWH Elohim) and the legal requirements of the arrangements between YHWH Elohim and Abram. This the cumulation of the promises, and the dividing of the animals, which establishes the agreement and is in effect forever. Abram’s name is changed to Abraham and YHWH Elohim is now El Shaddi to him. This is a major change as Abraham enters into this agreement with YHWH ELohim.

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Daniel & Davene (AKA Team D)

Links from the presentation

Bereshit/Genesis Chapter 17 – My Covenant part 1

Supporting News Items

Worship the wrong way: Are relics needed for worship?.

The Tenants of a Contract

For any contract, agreement, covenant etc. to be binding, the terms must be agreed upon by all the parties: The Law of Contracts. The ‘Old Testament’ scriptures form the basic framework of many laws originating out of the spreading of the Bible.

The Lord God Almighty

When proper names and titles was translated from Hebrew, meaning and context was last in the transition. One of the titles for YHWH, El Shaddi was one of the titles that lost its context when documented in the English versions of the OT scriptures.


Circumcision is one of the controversial issues in the body of believers. This confusion is due in part because of a lack of understand of the covenant between YHWH Elohim and Abraham His servant. Circumcision is the visual sign of the covenant, in the men connected to Abraham and his seed after him. Paul, in his epistles, is addressing Gentile converts who are not part of this covenant between YHWH Elohim and Abraham. Any man in the tent of Abraham, and his successive generation, who do not circumcise, are to be ‘Cut Off‘ from his tent. Circumcision is not a salvation issue, but a land issue between YHWH Elohim and Abraham. In rabbinic tradition, circumcision is attributed to a male person called a Mohel.

Strong Hebrew numbers referenced in the presentation

Strong’s Hebrew number for Shaddi: 7706

Strong’s Hebrew number for Abram: 0087

Strong’s Hebrew number for Abraham: 0085

Strong’s Hebrew number for Mawl/Circumcise: 4135

Strong’s Hebrew number for Cut Off: 3772

Noahide Laws

The ‘Old Testament’ tends to conflict with ‘New Testament’ doctrines. When doctrinal conflicts arise, between Jews, Messianics and Christians, the Noahide Laws are referenced as precepts that non-Jews should adopt. These laws are not to be found in scriptures but in the writings of the rabbinic sages such as Nachmanides. The image below is an excerpt from The Stone Edition of the Tanach:

Noahide Laws

The Noahide Laws were codified by Ribbinic Sages and can only be found in their writings as displayed in the image excerpt.

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