Bereshit/Genesis Chapter 18 Part A – In the heat of the day


First posted DECEMBER 18, 2018

Abraham is having a council meeting with three, or possibly four, persons with one being YHWH Elohim making an appearance in the opening of the chapter. Some time has elapsed since his last encounter with YHWH Elohim, and with Abraham sitting easy, in his tent in the heat of the day, a meeting was in order. Abraham bid the men sit in the shade of the trees while he and Sarah prepared a meal. He offered water for the men to wash their feet and to take it easy before moving on to the next stage of their journey. Sarah is brought up in the discussion and a specific time and season were declared by YHWH Elohim for her son of promise to be born. The study also segwayed into ritual feet washing and kosher laws.

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Daniel & Davene (AKA Team D)

Links from the presentation

Bereshit/Genesis Chapter 18a – In the heat of the day

Supporting News Items

The washing of feet is a rite that is performed by many Christian and Messianic fellowships. The head of the Catholic fellowship performed this act for Easter observances of 2018: Pope feet washing

The Men

About the men meeting with Abraham, there are many takes on this encounter: Who are these men, and ,Abraham’s Hospitality

Feet Washing

The ritual washing of feet is not a commandment but a religious rite performed by many faith based fellowships. In this publication circa early 1900, the author discusses feet washing and it’s religious significance.

The Torah verses Tradition

many of the rites and rituals that many practice stems from traditions. In Judaism, there are many traditions that get mistaken for biblical commandments and the incorrect assumptions are made leading to many a conflict. Some of these traditions originates from a collection of writings known as the Mishnah or commonly referred to as the Oral Law. Additionally, Kosher Laws tends to conflict with the biblical prohibition, given to the children of Israel, of eating specific foods or preparing foods in a manner that is detestable. For example, cooking a kid in the milk of the mother which morphed into not having meat and dairy at the same time in a meal.

Strong Hebrew numbers referenced in the presentation

Strong’s Hebrew number to Appear: 7200

Strong’s Hebrew number for Lord: 0113

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