Bereshit/Genesis Chapter 19 Part A – Punishment on the Horizon


First posted FEBRUARY 17, 2019

On the day the two Messengers show up at Sodom, Lot is found sitting at the gate of the city. Lot instinctively offered hospitality to the men and welcoming them under the shelter of his home. Things quickly worsen when the men of the city wished to engage with Lot’s guests in an unnatural way. Lot, in trying to protect his guests, offered his virgin daughters instead. His guests were not in the mood to entertain the behaviour and struck those wicked men with blindness, and also confirming the cries that came up to YHWH pertaining to the degradation in the hearts of the men of Sodom.

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Daniel & Davene (AKA Team D)

Links from the presentation

Bereshit/Genesis Chapter 19a – Punishment on the Horizon

Supporting News Items

Has the judgement, not punishment, of mankind begun? In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the past few years have seen a series of incidents which have people chattering about end time judgement. The recent Locust Infestation and previous odd occurrences such as the Hajj Stampede, back in 2015, and the above Hurricane Force Winds that toppled infrastructure in Mecca are cause for contemplation. These may be incidents to consider as the birth pangs spoken by the Anointed One, but all mankind is under judgement until punishment. But these incidents, and many others, should not be discounted.

The Gate

The Messengers met Lot at the gate of Sodom. The gate was an important location for ancient eastern civilizations, as it is a place of judgement/punishment and other types of business transactions such as with Boaz and Ruth. Also, they served as a place to observe person entering and leaving the walled cities that existed in those times

Passover bread before the Exodus?

Lot prepared a meal which comprised unleavened bread for his guests. From a rabbinic perspective, for information purposes for this study only, there is a view that this was some sort of Passover as highlighted by Aish and Bar-ILan University sources.

The Men of Sodom

The men of Sodom wanted more from the guest of Lot. They intended to have sexual relations with the heavenly messengers against their will. This what we would call in our time premeditated rape. Unfortunately, Lot offered his daughters, to appease the men on the outside, as women in eastern cultures are at times undervalued. As faith had it, the messengers did not permit Lot to execute this not so bright idea. But, for the levite concubine, she did not have a rescuer to save her from a similar circumstance.

Strong Hebrew numbers referenced in the presentation

Strong’s Hebrew number for Unleavened (bread, cake): 4682

Strong’s Hebrew number for To Know Someone Sexually: 3045

Strong’s Hebrew number for Sudden Blindness: 5575

Strong’s Hebrew number for Mercy, Pity, Compassion: 2551

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