Bereshit/Genesis Chapter 20 – Something about my wife


First posted JUNE 8, 2019

How tongue and cheek was Abimelech to Sarah, by referring to Abraham as her “brother” rather than husband after it was confirmed to him about their family relations. This may have been the most uncomfortable situation for a man of his stature to be in, having a direct conversation with the Elohim of Abraham about his wife. Granted, Abimelech was not aware of the relation, but YHWH was merciful enough to allow him to plead his position after it was brought to his attention. This is the second time a ruler of the land has found themselves in dire straits with Abraham and Sarah. The “offending” party, in his defence before YHWH, asked if the righteous nation should pay. Contrast this with Sodom and the other cities where no righteous were to be found. Abimelech made a strong argument for his nation and YHWH showed mercy once he followed through on restoring Sarah to Abraham. There had to be something special about Sarah for another man to desire her at that age.

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Daniel & Davene (AKA Team D)

Links from the presentation

Bereshit/Genesis Chapter 20 – Something about my wife

Supporting News Items

The social media age is causing martial issues more complex than the situation between Abraham, Sarah and Abimelech. Given social media reach and influence, it is easier for men and women to get ensnared in extra material relations that can lean to undesired outcomes.

Unsanctioned Relationships

YHWH Elohim is very clear about the relationships he sanctioned for the seed of Abraham and the nations connected with him. He takes Adultery very seriously.

The Prophet

The prophet, among the seed of Israel, is a role attributed to men and women to return Israel back in repentance to YHWH Elohim when the leadership of the nation falls short. Many of the men and women who assumed the role of prophet did so with reluctance because of the potential outcome.

Strong Hebrew numbers referenced in the presentation

Strong’s Hebrew number for Holy: 6946

Strong’s Hebrew number for “South Country”/Negeb: 5045

Strong’s Hebrew number for Shur/Wall: 7793

Strong’s Hebrew number for “A lodging place”: 1642

Strong’s Hebrew number for Abimelech: 0040

Strong’s Hebrew number for Prophet: 5030

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