Bereshit/Genesis Chapter 23 – I need that plot


First posted SEPTEMBER 25, 2019

Abraham had much love for his wife. He came to mourn and to pay the land price. The breath of life is no longer in her. As quickly as he can, Abraham had to bury her. He went to the gate of the “association”, to meet with the children of Chet. Ephron, whom he met, wanted to give him the land so as to lay Sarah to rest. Abraham did not want anything for free. As with the kings of the plain, when the Melchizedek came, he said to the men “none of you would ever claim to make Abraham rich.” Abraham is still the same and insists that he should pay. Ephron asked for 400 shekels, Abraham paid without any delay. The city merchants ratified the transaction, and the boundaries were clearly defined. All the people at the gate heard the proceeding, so as to future relate the state of ownership. Abraham got the land in hand. He can now bury Sarah, for he loved her as no other man.

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Daniel & Davene (AKA Team D)

Links from the presentation

Bereshit/Genesis Chapter 23 – I need that plot/A time to lament and mourn

Supporting News Items

The regions termed “The Middle East” would always be a hotbed for conflict if issues continue to go unresolved. The recent second round of general elections in Israel saw one leading candidate promise to annex Hebron, as a promise to the electorate to garner more votes. The election result ended in a stalemate for the two leading candidates who are now in talks to form a unity government to avoid a third election in the same Gregorian calendar year. Regional powers have voiced concern, over the annexation plan, as the leaders of Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Egypt and Iraq met at the sidelines of the 2019 UNGA meeting. With the region already engulfed in conflict, the war between Yemen, Saudi Ariba and their proxies, any bold moves on the part of the Israeli government can push all the powers to war. When the Landlord, YHWH, is ready to come to collect his rent, no party can argue with him about His land.

Maintaining two homes

Abraham going to Hebron to morn his wife Sarah, gives the impression that he maintained two homes in the land of the Canaanites.

Becoming god

For some in the believer community, there seems to be a fascination about having god-like authority as a reward for walking in faith. Not to be left out of the god-like desire, is celebraties being venerated to the point of obsession by their fanbase. With the sons of Chet, ascribing god status to Abraham, it is not being done in a vacuum. The concept of “god kings” is known to the people as in the case of the Pharaohs. Abraham being a mighty man in the land, in regards to his exploits, would have gained the respect of the people of the land and hence their choice of words in addressing him as god in the Hebrew.

Land Purchase

Abraham needed the land and the price was no issue for him. The choice of a cave to inture the body may be to ensure that their bodies are not disturbed by anyone. The transaction is still legally binding and the land would be restored to Abraham when YHWH causes it to happen in his time.

Strong Hebrew numbers referenced in the presentation

Strong’s Hebrew number for Ephron/”fawn-like”: 6085

Strong’s Hebrew number for Zohar/”tawny”: 6714

Strong’s Hebrew number for Chet/“terror”: 2845

Strong’s Hebrew number for Hebron/“association”: 2275

More about the Hittites

The Sons of Chet are of the tribe of peoples known as the Hittites, a decendant of Cham (Ham). The video gives an historical account based on the researchers inturpeation of their findings. It may not syncronise with the scriptures fully but encough information is provided to make a educated assessment and develop your own conclusions.

MT & LXX Timelines

Extended MT and LXX biblical timelines

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