Bereshit/Genesis Chapter 24 – A wife for my Beloved son Part 1


First posted OCTOBER 8, 2019

There comes the point in a man’s life that he should settle down and get married. Or, at least his father, if still alive, should arrange a wife for him. This is the moment in Isaac’s life where he needs to have a wife. His mother is now dead, and the only immediate family he has is his father. Abraham is not leaving anything to chance as youthful indiscretions can get entangled for Isaac in making a decision. He is living among people who were not desirable to find a wife. Abraham’s chief servant is tasked with the mission and makes an oath, swearing by YHWH, to carry out the desires of his master as a messenger was sent ahead of him. His trusted servant takes some of the substance of his master, jewellery and loaded ten camels for the journey. Upon arrival, he prays for specifics to ensure that his mission was a success.

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Daniel & Davene (AKA Team D)

Links from the presentation

Bereshit/Genesis Chapter 24 – A wife for my Beloved son part 1

Supporting News Items

When a man finds a wife he finds a good thing. There are situations when he is assisted with finding that wife as in the case of Isaac. Arranged marriages are still commonplace in many eastern and Afrikan cultures. It is a cultural instrument used to merge families in more ways than one.


Getting a new car, a new home, effortlessly obtaining opportunities are considered to be blessed when such good favour occurs when you are a ‘Believer’. The common understanding of being blessed, may not sync with the Hebrew understanding as YHWH bestows favour. Alternatively, the blessed can bless the One that gave support. Blessing YHWH should be part of our everyday life just as giving thanks. Blessing YHWH, as understood by Abraham and his household, should be on the lips of those who walk in his ways diligently.


When you make an oath to YHWH, or attribute and oath to His name, be sure to honour that commitment made from your expression. Otherwise, do not make such pronouncements and just simply say yes or no. Visit Jewish Virtual Library to learn more about how pharisee took oaths which the Anointed One was protesting against.

Drink Up

Drink up, but there is no rush. How long would It have taken Rebecca to provide water to all the camels, while the servant of Abraham looked on without giving help? Long enough for his to observer her temperament.

The cult of other gods

Abraham was adamant to his servant about keeping Isaac, his sone, from returning to the land of his birth. The influence others can have on you, potentially turns your heart from YWHW to serve other gods. Even if he did not find a son for his wife, remain in this land because at some point YHWH would provide a wife for his son. But the messenger went ahead to prosper the way of the servant.

Anchient Israel Marriage Traditions

There are countless accounts of men with multiple wives in the scriptures. Even King David had his hands full, and the prophet Samuel father had two. The scriptural discussion on marriage is difficult, and it should not be judged on today’s marital standards or even those who are involved in polygamous relationships without understanding the culture they are using to justify their actions.

Strong Hebrew numbers referenced in the presentation

Strong’s Hebrew number for Bless/”Barak”: 1288

Strong’s Hebrew number for Wife/”Ishshah”: 0802

Strong’s Hebrew number for Oath/Swear/”Shaba”: 7650

Strong’s Hebrew number for Thigh/Loins/”Yarek”: 3409

Strong’s Hebrew number for Rebecca/”ensnarer”: 7259

Strong’s Hebrew number for Laban/”White”: 3837

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