Bereshit/Genesis Chapter 24 – A wife for my Beloved son Part 2


First posted OCTOBER 23, 2019

After Laban ushered Abraham’s trusted servant and his men to his home, they were provided with water to wash their feet, food for the camels and a meal for weary travellers. Before the meal, the camels were unloaded displaying a sample of the wealth of Abraham and Isaac, including the bling Rebecca was wearing. The servant wanted to have his say before partaking in the meal placed before them. He related the circumstances of his master and repeated his entire experience up to the moment of his prayer being answered by the Elohim of his master YWHW. Picking up from part 1 of the study, some attention was paid to curses using an example from Judges 9. Additionally, what true worship is, giving a parallel with Sedrach, Misach, and Abdenago from Daniel 3.

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Daniel & Davene (AKA Team D)

Links from the presentation

Bereshit/Genesis Chapter 24 – A wife for my Beloved son part 2

Supporting News Items

When worship sits outside of the established norm it is considered a CULT. Recently, in the Netherlands, a man was arrested for wrongful detention of persons and alleged to be the leader of a Cult. As stated in the news report, he was connected to Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s Unification Church before branching out on his own. Unfortunately, some people are mislabeled with cult associated as a result of seeking the truth and not ascribing to mainstream church doctrines. If you follow what YHWH Elohim instructs be prepared to be given this and many labels for His Name’s sake.

The traditions of marriage

With Rebecca adorned in the bling (Jewelry) it is an indication that she is prepared to become the wife of a man she never met. Abraham is adamant that his son’s wife should be of his tribe, his fathers house, in his former homeland. From the MT version, there seems to be be an issue with Abraham’s instructions and his servant, and his servant relating his experience to Nahor’s house. From the LXX version, there seems to be consistency in the words of Abraham and his servant.

Doctrinal Worship

What is worship? From a religious institutional perspective it tends to be associated with song, dance, speaking in tongues and a host of other actions towards the ‘God’ of the scriptures. Worship would vary from congregation to fellowship big or small, but the premise is openly showing adoration in these forms in private and public life.

True Worship

True worship of the Elohim of Israel is not about song, dance or speaking in tongues. It is about your action in approaching the Holy Creator humbly. When the Anointed One spoke to the woman at the well he stated to her that worship should be done in “Spirit and Truth“. When you bow before YHWH in reverence, let the word of your mouth and the reflection of your heart be acceptable before Him.

Strong’s Hebrew numbers referenced in the presentation

Strong’s Hebrew number for Tribe/Family/”Mishpachah”: 4940

Strong’s Hebrew number for Kindred/Place of Birth/”mowledeth”: 4138

Strong’s Hebrew number for Worship/To Bow/”Shachah”: 7812

Strong’s Hebrew number for Worship/” (Aramaic) Segid “: 5457

Strong’s Greek numbers referenced in the presentation

Strong’s Greek number for Tribe/Family/”foo-lay'”: G5443

Strong’s Greek number for Tribe/Family/”NT: eth’-nos”: G1484

Strong’s Greek number for Worship/To Bow/”pros-koo-neh’-o”: G4352

Scripture references to verify the Greek words

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