Bereshit/Genesis Chapter 25 part 1: Abraham & Ishmael, a Legacy


First posted NOVEMBER 29, 2019

What is a legacy, and why should having one matter? Based on the strict understanding of legacy, Abraham transferred his substance to his children, with Isaac getting the lion’s share. A legacy is something handed down from the past. Also, legacy is a lasting impression that is transitioned from generation to generation about a person. To some men and women, leaving a legacy is something to memorialise their name for a long time hopefully in a good light. From the time Abraham answered the call of YHWH Elohim to the last breath that he took, he has left a lasting impression still spoken of today. His life came alive in the pages of the Torah, highlighting his lows and highs of life. Three religious ideologies, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, have hung their justification on Abraham, as well as those who claim him as a literal ancestor. Religious ideologies should not be a legacy attached to Abraham because he followed YHWH Elohim unconditionally as opposed to doctrines. So too, his son Ishmael as Islam attributes their eventual existence to him. Ishmael’s heritage should be tied to the promise made to his mother by the messenger/angel of YHWH Elohim sent to her at the well. Abraham and his son Ishmael are men of stature and not a religion, and their example is the legacy to be admired and exemplified.

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Daniel & Davene (AKA Team D)

Links from the presentation

Bereshit/Genesis Chapter 25 part 1: – Abraham & Ishmael, a Legacy

Supporting News Items

Apart from the legacy men of stature leave behind, the news articles referenced has more to it than the figure being spoken of. Team D Scripture Study highlights how everyday life connects back to the precepts being highlighted by the persons the narratives are about. For those who have been following this study from Genesis 1, up to this moment would see patterns in the referenced articles that have been touched on in this study. Click the links below to read each article:

Abraham & Ishmael

Abraham took another wife and one would wonder if caring for a wife and children at his mature age is worth it. His son Ishmael produced twelve children as he is attributed to being the progenator of the Arab peoples who adhere to Islam.

Strong’s Hebrew numbers

Strong’s Hebrew number for Nasi/”One lifted up, Chief, Prince, Captain, Leader”: 5387

Children of Abraham & Keturah

As discusses in the study, the English translation of the last son of Abraham and Keturah, Shuah/”Wealth” (Slide 16), was disputed. A follow up check was made and three of the Strong’s numbers was updated.

Strong’s Hebrew number for Keturah/”Incense”: 6989

Strong’s Hebrew number for Zimran/”Musician”: 2175

Strong’s Hebrew number for Jokshan/”Snarer”: 3370

Strong’s Hebrew number for Medan/”Contention”: 4091

Strong’s Hebrew number for Midian/”Strife”: 4080

Strong’s Hebrew number for Ishbak/”He releases”: 3435

Strong’s Hebrew number for Shuah/”Wealth”: 7744

Children of Jokshan/”Snarer”

Strong’s Hebrew number for Sheba/”Seven” or “An oath”: 7614

Strong’s Hebrew number for Dedan/”Low country”: 1719

Children of Dedan/”Low country”

Strong’s Hebrew number for Asshuri/”Steps”: 0805

Strong’s Hebrew number for Letushim/”Hammered”: 3912

Strong’s Hebrew number for Leummim/”Peoples”: 3817

Children of Midian/”Strife”

Strong’s Hebrew number for Ephah/”Gloomy” : 5891

Strong’s Hebrew number for Epher/”A calf”: 6081

Strong’s Hebrew number for Hanoch/”Dedication”:

Strong’s Hebrew number for Abida or Abidah/”My father knows” : 0028

Strong’s Hebrew number for Eldaah/”God has known”: 0420

Children of Ishmael

Strong’s Hebrew number for Nebaioth or Nebajoth/”Heights”: 5032

Strong’s Hebrew number for Kedar/”Dark”: 6938

Strong’s Hebrew number for Adbeel/”Chastened of God”: 0110

Strong’s Hebrew number for Mibsam/”Sweet odour”: 4017

Strong’s Hebrew number for Mishma/”A hearing”: 4927

Strong’s Hebrew number for Dumah/”Silence”: 1746

Strong’s Hebrew number for Massa/”Burden”: 4854

Strong’s Hebrew number for Hadad/”Mighty”: 2301

Strong’s Hebrew number for Tema/”Desert”: 8485

Strong’s Hebrew number for Jetur/”Enclosed”: 3195

Strong’s Hebrew number for Naphish/”Refreshment”: 5305

Strong’s Hebrew number for Kedemah/”Original”: 6929

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