Bereshit/Genesis Chapter 25 part 2: The tent of Isaac


First posted DECEMBER 10, 2019

Isaac is centre stage with his wife and children. Rebecca has conception issues just like her mother-in-law and was gravely concerned about the situation. She got her husband involved to entreat YHWH Elohim for children. After 20yrs of marriage, it finally happened. Who knows if Isaac sought advice from his father Abraham as the patriarch is still alive at this moment. Rebecca was pregnant but things did not seem normal to her. She inquired of YHWH Elohim and he gave her 411 about what was happening with her pregnancy. Two nations were taking shape in her womb, and their lives would shape the course of events. Esau and Jacob emerged with some drama as Jacob held on to the hairy heel of Esau. Both children’s names reflect the characteristics of their birth and more than likely brought joy in the tents of both Abraham and his son Isaac. With a pot of stew and a birthright on the table, both men’s actions are shaping the future.

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Daniel & Davene (AKA Team D)

Links from the presentation

Bereshit/Genesis Chapter 25 part 2: – The tent of Isaac

Supporting News Items

The tensions in the “Midddle East” are not abating. As per the Iran news outlet PressTV, Israel recently tested a rocket that can deliver a nuclear warhead that can be directed at the Islamic Republic. News reporting of this type keeps the Ishmael/Isaac rhetoric going. The focus should be placed on the Esau/Jacob struggle equally.

Birthright for sale

Esau was entitled to the birthright. It does not mean that Isaac, his father, was obligated to bestow it to him. The commonly held view is that Jacob used crafty means to get the birthright from Esau. Far bit it as the circumstance that presented itself was outside the control of each man, and Esau could have refused the proposal. In the study two extra-biblical sources were referenced. It was discovered that one of the sources is considered to be Rabbinic Midrash. We briefly discussed Midrash in our Genesis 21 p1 study connected to Paul. In the LXX, Jasher isn’t referenced in Joshua 10: 13 but stated as “book of Right” in 2 Samuel 1: 18. Please click here to learn more about the Book of Jasher.

Strong’s Hebrew numbers

Strong’s Hebrew number for Syrian/Aramean/”Exalted”: H761

Strong’s Hebrew number for Padan-aram/”Field”: H6307

Strong’s Hebrew number for Esau/”Hairy”: H6215

Strong’s Hebrew number for ‘Admônı̂y/Red/Ruddy: H761

Strong’s Hebrew number for ‘Adôm/Red: H122

Strong’s Hebrew number for Edom/”Red” : H123

Strong’s Hebrew number for Aqeb/”Heel”: H6119

Strong’s Hebrew number for Jacob/”Heel holder”: H3290

The featured image on this post was obtained from The Brick Testament.

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