Bereshit/Genesis Chapter 26 – Stay put Isaac Part 1


First posted JANUARY 21, 2020

Isaac now finds himself having to deal with Abimelech. His father had previous encounters with this Philistine lord who had eyes for his mother. In his wisdom, Isaac stated that his wife Rebecca was his sister to avoid any harassment from the people of the land. Abimelech, not taking any chances, came to realize this was not the case. Isaac was prosperous in the land and the resentment of the Philistines had begun to manifest. Isaac was instructed by YHWH Elohim to stay in the land to weather the famine. The temptation to head to the greener pastures of Egypt would have been great. But YHWH Elohim, his provider, would see him through the famine just as he did with his father Abraham. Isaac is told that his father kept the instructions transmitted to him. The first use of the word Torah happens with Isaac. In believing circles, there is a misunderstanding as to what Torah really is. The misunderstanding can be attributed to many factors, but there is a clear distinction between the true ‘Law of Moses’ and the Torah of YHWH Elohim or the traditions of men. These are the issues that the Anointed One had to encounter when dealing with the Scribes, Pharisees, Sadducees and the many other religious sects that came about in his time. These groups are still active at this moment. After all, the enemies of YHWH Elohim are working overtime to ensure that there is doubt in mens’ hearts. Once you put your trust in YHWH Elohim and seek Him diligently, He would give you discernment to figure things out.

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Daniel & Davene (AKA Team D)

Links from the presentation

Bereshit/Genesis Chapter 26: Stay put Isaac Part 1

Supporting News Items

Isaac is a tenant on the lands of Abimelech. He is subject to the rules established by the landlord. The rules that govern the land can be amended at any time in favour, or opposed to the tenant. Land ownership can be as complex because of the ‘laws’ that establish titles and other instruments of proof. This is the situation that indigenous peoples in Western Canada find themselves. It was stated that “irreparable harm to Indigenous peoples rights, culture, lands, territories and way of life” is affected by large projects reported by Canada’s National Observer. The article headline says it all, “Get educated on land rights.” Knowing your rights as a landowner or tenant aids in navigating the laws of the governing authority.

What is the Law of YHWH

The laws of YHWH Elohim is not what many people think it is. According to rabbinic traditions, there are 613 laws that are mentioned in the Old Testament or Tanach. If looked upon with objectivity this is far from the reality as the source of this information is the basis for the religion of Judaism. These 613 laws, according to another source, is connected to Gematria. When a knowledgeable understanding of Judaism, and Messianic Judaism, is gained, one would understand how the traditions of the law have translated to the laws of the Old Testament/Moses. Fact is, the Anointed One challenged the status quo and the traditions which got him into trouble with the religious elite. The same is to be expected if the current religious status quo is challenged. In the video presentation, Nehemia Gordon presents some of these traditions that have been assumed to be the law of YHWH Elohim:

The Hebrew Yeshua vs the Greek Jesus

The Philistines in Prophecy

The Philistines are a people group that is attributed to being the mysterious Sea People of the late bronze age. As discussed in previous Team D scripture studies, the current people who have the corporate designation of Palestinian is not the original Philistines. There are many prophecies in scripture that are just as important as the heavily discussed Revelation. The Philistines feature in end time fulfilment as they would be an aid in one instant to reformed Israel.

Strong’s Hebrew numbers

Strong’s Hebrew number for Torah/Instruction/’Law’: H8451

Strong’s Hebrew number for Iniquity: H5771

Greek Scripture references with Robinson’s Morphological Analysis POS Codes

Greek passage reference for Nomimōs (Torah/Law): Genesis 26

Greek passage reference for Hamartia (Iniquity/Sin): Genesis 15

Greek passage reference for Anomia (Lawless): Matthew 7

Greek passage reference for Nomos (Torah): Malachi 4

Strong’s Greek numbers

Strong’s Greek number for Nomimōs (Torah|Instruction/Law): G3545

Strong’s Greek number for Nomos (Torah|Instruction/Law): G3551

Strong’s Greek number for Anomia (Lawless): G458

Strong’s Greek number for Hamartia (Sin/Iniquity): G266

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