Bereshit/Genesis Chapter 6 – Part 1: Woe unto All Peoplekind


First posted MARCH 6, 2018

Shalom and welcome to Team D Bible Study! In this week’s bible study, the last in succession from The Man (Adam), Noah and his sons, and the Sons of The Elohim take center stage. Bereshit/Genesis 6 is the setup for Noah and his three sons (Shem, Ham and Japheth) after the flood. Also, as per the fallen and their offspring, they are still around causing problems for the children of men.

If you have questions about this study, please click here to email us

Daniel & Davene (AKA Team D)

Links from the presentation

Bereshit/Genesis Chapter 6 – Part 1: Woe unto All Peoplekind

Elongated Skulls

Has the mystery been solved?: The answer is in the heads


International Standard Bible Encyclopedia: The man who brought Comfort

The translation/meaning of Noah: Strong #5146


International Standard Bible Encyclopedia: The man of Reputation

The translation/meaning of Shem: Strong #8034


Smith’s Bible Dictionary: The Hottest man of his time

The translation/meaning of Cham: Strong #2526

Kemet: The ancient name of Africa


International Standard Bible Encyclopedia: Is he truly Fair, or need room to Expand

The translation/meaning of Yefet: Strong #3315

Sethite view

The Godly Line: The Distinguished Men from Shet

Unions with women: Sons of The Elohim


Children of the Fallen: Who can they be?

The translation/meaning of Nephilim:Strong #5303

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