Bereshit/Genesis Chapter 6 – Part 2: The Strange Mixing of Seed


First posted MARCH 15, 2018

Shalom and welcome to Team D Bible Study! Bereshit/Genesis Pat 2 extended into extra-biblical sources to fill in the narrative gaps of this chapter in the Torah. Quotes were taken from Enoch, Yasher and Jubilees. Also, other references from the Torah and Prophets. Additional videos are included from Rob Skiba and Brad Scott discussing Bereshit/Genesis 6.

If you have questions about this study, please click here to email us

Daniel & Davene (AKA Team D)

Links from the presentation

Bereshit/Genesis Chapter 6 – Part 2: The Strange Mixing of Seed

Ghost DNA?

Does your DNA have hidden secrets: Research about Ghost DNA

Man and Apes?

Where to draw the line?: It’s Time to Make Human-Chimp Hybrids

Watchers & Nefilim

The Watchers: A list of Watchers in Enoch.


The Giant Clans: Here you can get insights about Emims, Horim, Rephaim, Zanzummim, & Anakim. Another useful source about Giants from the scriptures.

Is there a cover up?: The Great Smithsonian Cover-Up

An exaggeration?: Ramses II, Gilgamesh, and Ba’al Bek

Rob Skiba

Brad Scott

Syrian Ambassador to the UN Bashar Jaafari

About The Syrian Ambassador to the UN


A fist full of fingers: Article A, Article B, Article CArticle D

Vestigial Tail

Is this for real?: An example of a vestigial tail and Spectrum of human tails: A report of six cases


Inter species mixing: Spider Goats, and Spilled Milk

Famous People

A list of famous people with Polydactyly: List A, List B

Featured image obtained from Beginning and End.

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