Bereshit/Genesis Chapter 7 – Into Protective Custody


First posted APRIL 11, 2018

Shalom and welcome to Team D Bible Study! Noah and his family, Bereshit/Genesis 7, is in the safety of the ark under protective custody with the animals all having the Breath of Life within them. Noah builds the ark, and the animals are gathered to him both the clean and unclean in their numbers and kind. Keep in mind only eight people are saved from that generation. Noah is now six hundred years, and judgement came to that generation in the second month of that year with waters covering the entire Eretz. The Elohim of Creation has had enough, and only a remnant made it through. This event is Food for thought for our generation.

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Daniel & Davene (AKA Team D)

Links from the presentation

Bereshit/Genesis Chapter 7 – Into Protective Custody

Supporting News Items

Another species about to be lost to history: The last male northern white rhino

Making it rain: Manufacturing rain un-naturally

Is this true life: Sheeple “Sheep-Human Hybrids”

The Animals

Why so many clean animals? Seven pairs of clean animals

Was the Flood Possible?

What Sir Isaac Newton thought: A comet: Why Newton Believed a Comet Caused Noah’s Flood – National Geographic

Was the entire earth affected? Yes, but???: Yes, Noah’s Flood May Have Happened, But Not Over the Whole Earth – National Center for Science & Education

It did happen: Critical insights supporting a universal flood

What about the ark? Could Noah’s ark really have happened? – How Stuff Works

For how long? Covered for 150 days

It happened in the second month

There are many variations between the Septuagint and Masoretic text. One such variation is found in Genesis 1: 11. The day the flood started is a difference of ten days between the two text. Most of the commentary reviewed focused on the when the year begins and then pivots into the flood narrative. Commentary can be found on Bible Hub and Study Light.

Was all life Extinguished?

Was everything destroyed upon the earth, except for the occupants of the ark, as a result of the flood? The easy answer is yes, but we have to look carefully at the answer. The view is that the flood destroyed everything, and gave Noah and his family a fresh start on the earth. Then we need to account for the Giants and every other human/animal variation that was recorded in the scriptures after the flood:

Emerging from the underground

Native American Narratives: Story of the People and Subterranean Dwellers

Ħal-Saflieni Hypogeum

Living underground: Hypogeum

Timeline Images

In some passages of scripture, there are differences between the Masoretic and Septuagint. One of those contrast is the time of births, deaths and events occurring. For the Team D bible study timelines would be maintained for the Masoretic and Septuagint text. Please click here to access the timeline for each text used in the presentation

The featured image for this study posting is from Abiding in the Vine.

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