Bereshit/Genesis Chapter 8 – Out the other side


First posted APRIL 18, 2018

Shalom and welcome to Team D Bible Study! The ark lands on the mountains of Ararat giving the occupants an opportunity to begin life anew. They are taken through the storm and after one year in protective custody, by YHWH Elohim, they are allowed to leave the ark after the raven and dove are sent forth to scout conditions of the land. After the dove returns with an olive leaf, it was the indication that everything is okay. Noah, his family and the animals leave the ark and he makes sacrifices, at the altar, and YHWH Elohim is pleased with the offering. He then lifts the curse of the land which was established when Adam, Eve and the Nachash made a mess of things in the garden. This bible study also explored the context of the word “Spirits” and the relation to Elohim as well as parallels between the raven, dove, olive trees and time.

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Daniel & Davene (AKA Team D)

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Bereshit/Genesis Chapter 8 – Out the other side

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Supporting News Items

Is this truly a reptile?: The Ichthyosaurs narrative as reported by Popular Mechanics and Fox News.

Strong Hebrew numbers referenced in the presentation

Strong’s Hebrew number for Spirit: 7307.

Strong’s Hebrew number for Rest: 5117.

Strong’s Hebrew number for Shoot: 5342.

Strong’s Hebrew number for Dove: 3123.

Strong’s Hebrew number for Olive: 2132.

Strong’s Hebrew number for Raven: 6158.

Strong’s Hebrew number for Ararat: 0780.


The Spirit of YHWH Elohim: Removing the waters.

Beware of the other spirits: Familiar Spirits of the enemy


The sacrifice for the first born: The animals for sacrifice.

Where to sacrifice: At a sanctioned alter.

By the Numbers

The sources referenced in this section is to highlight the significance of the number forty (40). Within Judaism and Christianity numbers have significance around which doctrine is constructed. Team D, in no way, agree with every reference to the respective sources. Our intent is to highlight concepts encountered from the scriptures we hold as truth.

The meaning of numbers references:, Wikipedia 40.

The Shoot

The Olive Tree and the Anointed One: The Netzer.

The accounts between the Septuagint and Masoretic texts: and

Birds of a Feather

Identification: Spotting Doves.

Counting on the Raven: Identifying and Scripture References.

The Curse Reversed

The mountains of Ararat: Alternative Meaning, Probable Location and artifacts from the Village of the Eight in Turkey attributed to Noah’s Ark.


Judgement complete: Leaving the Ark.

In the future: The day appointed for Judgement.

Olive Tree Images from Israel

The images in the gallery was taken in 2013 while visiting Israel. They are of olive trees which are located in Nazareth and Jerusalem Israel. Click here to be redirected to the gallery images.

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