Bereshit/Genesis Chapter 9 – Be fruitful and multiply but be careful with the Wine


First posted APRIL 24, 2018

Shalom and welcome to Team D Bible Study! The grounds are set for the other side of the flood. YHWH Elohim made a covenant with Noah and his family, for all generations, and gave special dispensation with food and the animals. The sign of the covenant is His rainbow in the sky which has faithfully been seen when rain falls. An unfortunate situation occurred with Noah, his sons, and grandson. But in the end, Noah lived to the ripe old age of nine hundred and fifty years and his generations continued on.

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Daniel & Davene (AKA Team D)

Links from the presentation

Bereshit/Genesis Chapter 9 – Be fruitful and multiply but be careful with the Wine

Supporting News Items

Murder by the numbers: The heart of Mankind

The Reptiles

Noah and his family is given a special dispensation for food. Team D is of the view that this dispensation was narrow in it’s scope. The food of choice is the reptile which is eluded to be aquatic life in the Septuagint. Team D is of the view that modern day definition of the reptile may be different from the biblical definition. We used the definition of reptile from Wikipedia (reptile) and Britannica (reptile) for our modern interpretation

Strong Hebrew numbers referenced in the presentation

Strong’s Hebrew number for Reptile: 8318.

Strong’s Hebrew number for Rainbow: 7198.

Strong’s Hebrew number for Blood: 1818.

Strong’s Hebrew number for Canaan: 3667.

Strong’s Hebrew number for Ground: 0127.

Strong’s Hebrew number for Vineyard: 3754.

Strong Hebrew numbers not referenced in the presentation

These two Hebrew words should have been discussed in the presentation. Both wine and nakedness has significance in the scripture and is first mentioned in Genesis 9.

Strong’s Hebrew number for Wine: 3196.

Strong’s Hebrew number for Nakedness: 6172.

Element of Life

The blood coursing through the veins of man and Beast transports life nutrients to every end of our body. Noah and his generations, and eventually the nation of Israel, were prohibited from consuming blood in Bereshit/Genesis 9: 3, 4.

Inappropriate Behavior and Norms

Was Noah’s nakedness a result of inappropriate behavior? This is one of the widely held interpretation of Bereshit/Genesis 9: 20 – 23. This led to the cursing of Cham’s (Ham) son Canaan in Bereshit/Genesis 9: 24 – 27. The norms of current western societies, versus ancient eastern cultures differ and the text should be interrupted from the latter lense.

The featured image for this study posting is from Fort Bowie Vineyards.

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