First posted SEPTEMBER 22, 2018
After being put into sleep just like Adam, Abram is told some things about his seed and the remainder of his life. The Word of YHWH mentioned that his seed is humbled for four hundred years. Furthermore, in the fourth generation, would return to the land promised to him. One of the widely held views is that his eventual seed, through his son Isaac then Jacob, was in Egypt for the duration of four hundred years. Hence, the importance of time and the need to assess the situation from different perspectives in order to come to an informed conclusion. Then, the ‘Iniquity of the Amorites’ features in the fulfilment of the land promise and the return of the ‘Seed’ of Abram to be numbered as the stars. Sure of the promises, Abram trusted his Elohim to accomplish them as both parties enter into a forever covenant.
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Daniel & Davene (AKA Team D)
Links from the presentation
Bereshit/Genesis Chapter 15 – Part 2: Promises made to Abram
Supporting News Items
A politician presents to electors promises and policies that make voting for the party attractive. Justin Trudeau, then opposition leader of the federal liberals party made a promise to electors to decriminalize marijuana. This promise made in 2015 (click here to read the article) and is about to become fulfilled in the fall of 2018 (click here to read the article), just before Canadian Thanksgiving.
Transmission of the scripture
In discussing the four hundred year prophecy it was important to note the variation in the different scripture reference. The excerpt from Dr. Brennan Breed helps with understanding.
Biblical Commentators
Much of our understanding of the bible comes from commentary of notable figures from the past. In this study comments from two persons was presented: Rashi and Bullinger.
Covenant verses testament. The influence of the Latin and The Universal Church has established the meaning of words in opposition to the true meaning intended by the scriptures. Covenants are established by blood and the party that breaks it is held accountable.
The Amorites
The Amorites is believed to be a Shemetic tribe by most scholars and sources. The scripture on the other hand listed them as a Hamitic in origin. The embedded video makes mention of the Amorites and provides some historical context that is in support of the Genesis 15 presentation.
Strong Hebrew numbers referenced in the presentation
Strong’s Hebrew number for Sin: 2403.
Strong’s Hebrew number for Iniquity: 5771.
In support of 400yrs
The image is from Artscroll publication of the scroll/book of Daniel. It provides commentary from Rashi as it related to Daniel 8. In this study, the image was used to show that Israel did not sojourn in Egypt for four hundred years.

The image is from the publisher Artscroll Mesorah, Keshuvim / The Writings with a Commentary Anthologized from the Rabbinic Writings. The commentator is Rashi giving his opinion on Daniel 8. This page was featured in the Genesis 5 part 2 study pertaining to the stay of Israel in Egypt before the exodus.